Exhibit / Advertise / Sponsor

The Largest Philosophy of Science Association in the World

Reach philosophers, historians, and sociologists of science; scientists; graduate students; archivists; librarians; science policy experts, and other professionals.

Expected attendance700

Thank You to Our Previous Sponsors

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Virtual Exhibit

Exhibitors, advertisers, and sponsors receive complimentary inclusion!

Beautifully showcase your titles to philosophers and scientists from around the world!

Exhibit and Advertise

Book Exhibit

The PSA book exhibit will be held in a centrally located area of the conference hotel, the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor. Scholars from around the world will use this opportunity to meet with editors and to browse your display. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon coffee breaks will be set up in the exhibit area to encourage browsing, and our Poster Forum Reception will be in the exhibit area.

All exhibitors receive a complimentary virtual exhibit table

  • First Table: $350
  • Second Table: $300
  • Additional Tables: $250
  • Virtual exhibit table: $150

Late Fees: $100 late fee for table registration after 15 September 2021

Unattended tables may be arranged under special circumstances on a case-by-case basis. Please contact office@philsci.org for additional information or questions about the book exhibit.

Collective Book Exhibit

If unable to send a representative, simply send your titles to the conference hotel to include in the Collective Book Exhibit. (Instructions will follow after placing order.)

  • First Title: $40
  • Second Title: $30
  • Additional Titles: $25

Please note that books in the Collective Exhibit become the property of PSA.

Authors and/or publishers are responsible for shipping books to the meeting venue.

Program Advertisement

Advertisements will be included in the print version of the PSA2020/2021 Program, the electronic version of the program, and the meeting app.

  • Interior Pages: $250/page (B&W)
  • Inside Front or Inside Back Cover: $375Sold Out

Print Ad Size: 4.5" wide x 7.5" tall (Ads must be a high-resolution pdf file.)

Booking Deadline: 15 September 2021

Copy Deadline: 1 October 2021

Newsletter Advertisement

Posted on PSA website and sent electronically to over 2500 PSA members, meeting attendees, and email list subscribers. The dimensions are website width x height.

  • Full-width ad: $500
  • Half-width ad: $300

The PSA Newsletter is distributed on a rolling basis. For deadlines and scheuling, contact the Executive Office .

Delegate Packet Inserts

Reach our participants! Delegate Packet Inserts are included with materials received by all 700 conference attendees. Alternatively, skip the paper and share your product via meeting email with our digital packet insert option.

  • Inserts: $450
  • Digital Inserts: $300

Purchaser is responsible for creating and shipping inserts to the meeting venue.

Booking Deadline: 25 October 2021

Website Banner Ad

Reach out to our constituents by advertising on the meeting website with a banner ad. The ad will launch upon receipt and run until at least the end of the conference (14 Nov 2021) and likely longer.

Banner ad: $1,000


Sponsoring an event is a great way to promote your institution, company, and titles.

Depending on the level of support, sponsors receive complimentary meeting registration; promotional signage in prominent locations at the meeting; recognition in the meeting program, meeting app, website, and at meeting functions. For more information about the benefits provided for each level of support, see below.

  • The deadline to appear on the print program is October 5, 2021.
  • The deadline to appear on the website is October 15, 2021.
  • The deadline for delegate packet inserts is October 25, 2021.

Sponsorship Levels


 $500 to $999 

Acknowledgement in the PSA Program, on the meeting app, the PSA Website, and signage at the event sponsored.


 $1,000 to $1,499 

Complimentary registration for one, acknowledgement in the PSA program, on the meeting app, the PSA Website, and signage at the event sponsored.


 $1,500 to $2,499 

Complimentary registration for two, acknowledgement in the PSA program, on the meeting app, the PSA Website, and signage at the event sponsored.


 $2,500 to $4,999 

Complimentary registration for two, acknowledgement in the PSA program, on the meeting app, the PSA Website, signage at the event sponsored, and delegate packet insert.



Complimentary registration for two, acknowledgement in the PSA program, on the meeting app, the PSA Website, signage at the event sponsored, and delegate packet insert.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Coffee Breaks


These morning and afternoon breaks, in the exhibit area and near session rooms, provide delegates a chance to chat with colleagues, browse the books, and enjoy a relaxed time between sessions.

Women's Caucus Lunch


The lunch is open to all attendees and is organized by the PSA Women's Caucus. The PSA Women's Caucus hosted its first breakfast in 2004, and the Caucus has grown significantly since that time, making the Women's Caucus Lunch a highlight of the meeting.

Post-Meeting Workshop


Your support will help to subsidize graduate students interested in attending this workshop.

Opening Reception


Will be held on the first night of the conference. This reception provides attendees an opportunity to connect with colleagues.

Welcome Reception


This is held on the first evening of the meeting to provide new attendees and early career scholars an opportunity to network with each other and with the officers and governing board of the PSA.

Public Forum


This event will draw approximately 300 individuals, including conference attendees and members of the public.

Poster Forum & Reception


The poster forum and reception has become a highlight of the PSA meetings. It provides an opportunity for scholars to discuss their research, teaching, and outreach in a more interactive and informal setting.

All images for illustration purposes only

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